How do I set up Departments?

You can use this option to set up the various departments of your company, which can later be assigned to your employees. Department information is displayed on employees' payslips and can be useful when running reports. To help get you started we have provided some pre-defined departments; these can be edited and added to as necessary.
To set up a new department go to Chart of Setup from the Employer / Setup drop down menu and click the Department setup link under the Payrun Customisation section. Now click the Edit button. On the screen enter the Department Reference, Department Name and Sage Department Reference in the respective boxes given and click on the Save button to save the changes you have made. Please note, if you are using a Sage package for accounting purposes and would like to export the payroll data from our service, you must enter the actual Sage Department Reference here or leave it blank. This will enable the successful import of your payroll data to your Sage accounting package.

Road Map - Updating the Department Setup
Employer / Setup -> Chart of Setup -> Payrun Customisation -> Department Setup link -> Edit button -> Save button
( 'Employer / Setup' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the first button from the left)

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Department / Cost Center Setup