The internet payroll's batch process enables you to carry out payroll processes of all your clients in one go. All the Bureau System User / Administrator can make use of the batch process and the following functionalities.
1) View/Print Pre-YTD reports
A Pre-Year to date (Pre-YTD) refers to the report which will allow you to view all the uploaded timesheet information just before committing it. You need to confirm all the values before committing the YTD. Select the pay frequency and Pay period for which you want to download the Pre-YTD. The Pre-YTD data can also be e-mailed(in batch) for the respective clients if the email ID is provided. You can also select all the Pre-YTD Reports in one go for viewing/ Printing purpose.
Please follow the road map below:
Bureau Main Page -> Batch Process -> View/Print Pre-YTD Reports -> Tax frequency -> Select All -> Download Pre-YTD Data
2) Commit YTD
Select the pay frequency and Pay period for which you want to Commit YTD. Commit YTD means all your Year to Date data is committed to the database, to bring the database up to date. Once the data is committed you cannot amend it. If you are not 100% sure that the current pay period's data is correct, you should review the data before committing the YTD.
The batch process facility now allows you to commit YTD for all the clients at the same time. All these clients will be listed in the commit YTD page, you need to just click on the 'Select All' link and then further click on the 'Commit YTD' button.
Please follow the road map below:
Bureau Main Page -> Batch Process -> Commit YTD -> Tax frequency -> Select All -> Commit YTD
3) View/Print Payslip
To View/Print Payslip in batches, you must select the employee by ticking the tick box adjacent to his/her name. If the employee is not selected, his/her Payslip will not be printed. You can also select all the employees on this page at a time by clicking on the Select All link. Payslips can also be e-mailed for the respective clients if the email ID is provided.
Please follow the road map below:
Bureau Main Page -> Batch Process -> View/Print Payslip -> Tax frequency -> View/Print -> Print Selected / E-mail Selected
4) E-file FPS data
A Full Payment Submission ( FPS ) is used to tell HMRC about all the payments and deductions made for the employees. Our system provides you a facility to e-file FPS data in batch for the selected pay period. You can also check the E-filing status of your FPS Data by just selecting the respective Tax year. The FPS E-Filed Status report will total all your employees’ PAYE tax, NICs, Statutory Payments and shows total amount payable to HMRC.
Please follow the road map below:
Bureau Main Page -> Batch Process -> E-file FPS Data -> Select All -> E-File Selected
5) E-file EPS Data
The Employer Payment Summary (EPS) is used to claim relief for the recoverable amounts. You can e-file the EPS data of all your clients in batch for the selected pay period. All your client's EPS details will be listed in the 'Batch EPS Details' page. There will be a delay in e-filing since the data will be queued up in the channel for e-filing.
You can also check the EPS E-filing status of your Data by just selecting the respective Tax year. The EPS E-Filed Status report will total all your employees’ PAYE tax, NICs and Student Loan deductions for each tax month/quarter and shows total amount payable to HMRC.
Please follow the road map below:
Bureau Main Page -> Batch Process -> E-file EPS Data -> Select All -> E-File Selected
6) Auto DPS Report (Batch)
Auto Download DPS Report will auto download all your DPS details from HMRC. However, it will only work if you have set up the credentials from HMRC. And if you are a pay bureau you must have the credentials from your client. The View / Print link will be indicated in Red for those client's whose DPS data is auto updated for the selected tax period. You can view/print the Auto DPS reports in batch for all the clients.
Please follow the road map below:
Bureau Main Page -> Batch Process -> Auto DPS Report(Batch)
7) AE Comm. Letters (Batch)
AE. Comm letter is used to inform the employee about their enrollment status i.e if he/she is auto-enrolled into AE pension and is an eligible jobholder. You can E-mail / Print AE Comm. Letters of all your clients in batch. There is no restriction on the number of employees to make use of this facility. You can also view/print the previous period AE Comm. letters for the selected submission frequency.
Please follow the road map below:
Bureau Main Page -> Batch Process -> Submission frequency -> Select to e-Post Batch -> Print / Email selected batch
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