Correction of wrongly withdrawn car benefit.

The system does not allow the wrongly entered withdrawal details to be edited or corrected. But we suggest you to follow the below steps that will help you to delete the withdrawn car assigned to the employee, and will be reassigned to withdraw the car correctly.

Please note: We suggest you to take P11D, P46Car report print (soft or hard copy), before proceeding.

Step 1: Click on Car/Van & fuel > Withdrawn Cars menu item.

Step 2: Click on the 'Remove' link against the Employee and Car combination.

Step 3: In the next page click on 'Delete' button. This will remove/delete the assigned car.

Step 4: Click on Process P11D > Assign P11D Benefit menu item (We assume you have noted down the car assigned date and car details from the printed reports.)

Step 5: Select the Employee, and Benefit Types 'F', and click on 'Assign Benefits' button.

Step 6: Click on 'Assign New Car' button, and select the removed/deleted car in step 3 from the list. Now click on 'Assign Selected Car' button.

Step 7: Enter the 'Car First Available Date' and other relevant details and click on 'Save'.

To withdraw the car

Step 8: Click on 'Withdraw' link and enter the correct withdrawal date to withdraw the car.

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Expense and Benefits - P11D