Cars & Car Fuel Benefits cash Equivalent is not been calculated. Why?

You may have Cars & Car Fuel Benefits cash Equivalent not been calculated due to the following reasons,

  • You may have selected the Car usage as "Business" while editing the car benefit for an Employee in the application. Whenever you select this option it is assumed that the car usage is only for business purpose for which Cash Equivalent need/will not be calculated.

  • Employees' would have amount made good equal to cash equivalent.

  • You may have selected Fuel / Power Type as "Electric Only" While creating a car.

Note: If the fuel usage purpose is selected or set as "business" then the Fuel Cash Equivalent will not be calculated.

Road Map for Assigning a Car

Step 1: Click on the "Process P11D" button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top and Select Assign P11D Benefit sub menu.
Step 2: Select the Employee to whom the benefit should be assigned and select "F. Cars and Fuel".
Step 3: Now Click on the Assign Benefits button and Click on the Assign New Car button.
Step 4: Select the car and Click on Assign Selected Car button
Step 5: Enter the details where in Selecting Car Usage as "Business" will have no cash Equivalent been calculated. Further click on Save button.

Process P11D -> Assign P11D Benefit -> Select F. Cars and Fuel -> Assign Benefits button -> Assign New Car button -> Assign Selected Car button -> Save button
( 'Process P11D' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the fourth button from the left)

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Expense and Benefits - P11D