If the employees are not automatically enrolled, they have the right to Opt In to the pension scheme. The employees who have once opted out also can Opt In.
Please follow the steps below to Opt in to a pension scheme via our application.
Step 1:Go to the Employee Menu in the tasking Zone and Select the Submenu"View/Edit Employee details".
Step 2:Click on the View/Edit link for the respective employee.
Step 3:Click on the View/Edit button under“ AE Pension”.
Step 4:Now click on the Edit link under "Action”.
Step 5:Further go to the option D “AE opt In Request”, where you can give the Opt-in date here.
Road Map :
Employee -> View/Edit Employee details -> View/Edit link -> View/Edit button under AE Pension -> Edit link under Action -> Option D “AE opt In Request”.
( 'Employee' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the left )
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