What is AE Declaration of Compliance?

Completing a Automatic Enrolment declaration of compliance (registration) is the legal requirement to submit information to the pension regulator about how you’ve complied with your employer duties. The deadline for completing your declaration of compliance is five calendar months from your staging date. For example, if your staging date is 1 November 2019, you must submit your declaration to the pension regulator no later than 31 March 2020.

In our application you can download the Declaration of Compliance data in CSV file format which you can upload directly to the Pensions Regulator website

Road map -> AE Declaration of Compliance
Pension -> AE Declaration of Compliance -> Click on continue button -> Fill up the blank field and click on save & continue -> Declaration of compliance download.

('Pension' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the third button from the Right)

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Auto Enrolment (AE) Reports & Others