Our service caters for different types of pension schemes such as FSAVC, GPP, PPP and Stakeholder. Details of each scheme should be entered globally in the Employer/Setup section, then later on, employees can be allocated to the appropriate schemes individually.
Select Pension Schemes from the Employer / Setup drop down menu. To add a new Pension Scheme click on the Usual Pension Setup button. Enter the pension scheme name and select the Pension Provider from the drop down list. Select the appropriate pension scheme type from the drop down list. Enter employee and employer contribution details and click on Save to save the details you entered.
Road Map - To Setup the Pension Scheme
Employer / Setup -> Pension Schemes Settings -> Usual Pension Setup -> Pension Scheme Settings -> Main Pension Schemes -> Add New Pension Scheme button -> Save button
( 'Employer / Setup' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the first button from the left )
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