Step 1: SignUp
To start using internet payroll you need to first signup and create an account. Based on your requirement you can signup as an Individual Company, a Multisite Company or a Pay Bureau/Agent. The signup process is very simple and quick.
As a part of the signup process, you need to first enter some basic company details. Once you submit this, an activation email containing a User ID and an activation link will be sent to your e-mail address. Click on the activation link to activate your account and proceed to set up your sign in security credentials (Password, Pattern word etc..).
Note: Remember, never disclose your credentials to anyone, as someone may misuse it. So keep it safe for your future reference.
Signup process with Internet Payroll.
Step 2: Sign In
To sign in, Click on Sign In button and enter your activated sign in credentials (User ID, E-Mail, Password and Pattern word).You can then start to run your payroll from anywhere anytime.
Sign In process with Internet Payroll.
Step 3: Add New Employee
To add employees' in the payroll, enter basic employee information such as Personal Details, PAYE & NI details, Pension Details etc. You can either manually add employees one by one or import all the employees' information in one go using a spreadsheet.
Note: Before adding new employee records we recommend you first go to the Chart of Setup section and set up all basic settings for payroll so that you can assign the new employees' to their respective categories as you add them.
Road Map - To view/edit the employee details go to, Employee -> View / Edit Employee Details.
How do I add a new employee with P45(3) details?
How do I add a new employee with a Starter Checklist Details?
How do I migrate existing employees - current employees in your payroll?
Step 4: Employee Migration
If you want to port to our payroll system from any other manual system or software package, for that you need to migrate your existing employees' details on to our system .You can migrate all your employees' in one go using a spreadsheet at any point of time within a tax year.
How to Import your Employee Data using a Spreadsheet.
How to upload your Employee Details in a CSV file into our package?
View Uploaded / Imported Employee Data Status
Step 5: Workplace Pension Setup
Setup and Assign Workplace Pension Scheme.
To setup the self defined Workplace Pension settings, Click here to know more about the setup.
How do I Assign Pension Scheme to Employees in Batch?
How do I Assign Pension Scheme to Individual Employee's?
Step 6: Process Payrun
Once you add the employees' and set up the necessary pay items, you can proceed to process pay for employees'. You can either process pay in bulk using a spreadsheet or manually enter employees' pay data one by one in the application.
How do I process the pay?
Step 7: E-File RTI Data
You can directly e-file the RTI returns to HMRC at the end of each pay run process. All the RTI forms will be automatically compiled ready for you to view, approve and e-file to HMRC. The range of RTI returns includes FPS, EPS, NVR and YTD FPS.
How do I E-file FPS (Full Payment Submission) to HMRC?
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