I am getting an Final FPS error while e-filing to HMRC. What should I do to correct it?

Final FPS Errors means you only discovered an errors after you have filed the month 12 or week 52 etc FPS. ie you have no more next pay period FPS to file in order to up date the previous pay period errors. The solution are follows:-

  • Please do a ROLL BACK and re-run the pay roll with all the correct value. This is to get all the pay data up to date.

  • Complete your Year End Process as usual- to file the FINAL SUBMISSION FOR THE TAX YEAR (FSY).

  • Start New Tax Year and run your month 1 or week 1 pay run as usual.

  • On or after 20th April you will need to file an Year to Date FPS (YTD FPS) to rectify the errors you made.

  • YTD FPS data will be provided on and after 20th April for you to do the YTD FPS. YOU MUST DO THE ROLL BACK TO CORRECT THE ERRORS BEFORE YOU DO THE YEAR END FSY.

  • If you discover the errors only when you are already in the new tax year ie the past tax year errors discovered only in new tax year, you will need to do your own calculation outside our system to do the YTD FPS to rectify the error.

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Full Payment Submission E-Filing Errors