If your new employee does not have a P45 form you should get the starter check list details from your new employee and start entering the Starter Checklist details by selecting "Enter Starter Checklist Details" option while creating an employee in the Add New Employee section of our application. Further you can edit the Starter Checklist details/P45 details in the P45(3) / Starter Checklist Details section under the View / Edit Employee Details.
Road Map - To Create Employee with Starter Checklist details
Employee -> Add New Employee -> Continue button -> Select "Enter Starter Checklist Details" option -> Continue button -> Continue button -> Finish button
('Employee' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the left )
Road Map - To Edit the Starter Checklist details/P45 details
Employee -> View/Edit Employee Details -> Action -> View/Edit link -> P45(3) / Starter Checklist Details -> view/Edit button -> Continue button -> Save button
('Employee' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the left )
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