Joiner & Leaver (P45 / Starter checklist)
Adding a New Employee
- How do I add a new employee with P45(3) details?
- How do I add a new employee with a Starter Checklist Details?
- How do I migrate existing employees - current employee in your payroll?
- How to work out on tax code for new employee?
- Create a Pensioner. How?
- Create a "Bereaved Pensioner". How?
- Create a Student Employee with Student loan. How?
- Pension and annuity payments (Trivial commutation payments/Other lump sum payments). How to enter?
- Create a "Payment to a non-individual". How?
- Expat (Foreign) Employee. How to Setup?
- My new employee does not have a P45 form. What should I do?
- What tax code should I use for my new employee?
- What NI category should I use for my new employee?
- Appoint a director and report to HMRC. How?
- What is the difference between the designations 'Director' and 'Director as Employee'?.
- My new employee doesn't have or doesn't know his National Insurance number. Can I enter him on the payroll?
- I entered my new employee on the system with a Starter Checklist details, now the employee has given me a P45 from his previous employer. What should I do?
- What are the steps to be taken if a new employee gives a form P45 late?
- What to report to HMRC if an Employee doesn't have a P45 form?
- What should you do if an Employee doesn't have a P45 form?
Off-Payroll Worker Rules
- Information on Off-Payroll Workers
- How to set up a new off-payroll worker on payroll?
- What tax code should be assigned for the off-payroll worker?
- Should a specific National Insurance (NI) table letter be assigned for the off-payroll worker?
- What NIC rates or thresholds apply to off-payroll workers and how are Employer National Insurance Contributions calculated?
- How can off-payroll workers be entitled to statutory payments?
- Why is the Employment Allowance not including the Employer National Insurance Contributions of Off-payroll Workers?
- With respect to Off-payroll working rules, are there any changes in the Apprenticeship Levy calculation?
- If the "Off-Payroll Worker subject to the rules" flag / marker / indicator is erroneously set to "Yes" and reported in FPS, how to rectify this?
- Are there any changes in the way VAT should be reported for "Off-Payroll Workers"?
Change Employee Details
- How to amend the Starter Checklist details of your employee who gives you a P45, after you have e-filed a FPS for them?
- How to set the Normal Hours Worked for an Employee?
- Where can I view a list of all my employees?
- How do I view and edit my employee's personal details?
- One of my employee got married recently. Where do I change his/her marital status?
- Where can I view/edit my employee’s bank details?
- How do I create a Payroll Internet Account for my employee?
- Where can I view my employee’s Year To Date (YTD) data?
- How do I edit my employee's P45 Part 3 details?
- How do I edit my employee's Starter Checklist details?
- Where can I view/edit my employee's employment details?
- How do I edit my employee's Work Pattern?
- What do I do if my employee gets issued with a new tax code in the middle of the tax year?
- Where can I view or edit my employee’s previous NI code / category details?
- Where can I edit my employee NI code / category?
- How do I enter or change my employee's National Insurance number?
- Where can I view/edit my employee's holiday details?
- How do I change my employee's tax code?
- I have entered the same employee on the system twice. How do I delete the duplicated record?
- How can I add a prefix to my employees' Works No / Payroll ID?
- How do I group assign my employees to Cost Centers?
- How do I group assign my employees to Departments?
- How do I set up my employees' Working Patterns?
- Update Employee Email Data. How?
- How do I setup Week 1/ Month 1?
Health and Social Care Levy
Employee Internet A/C Issues
- I am an employee user and have forgotten my Sign-in details. What do I do?
- How do I disable an employee's Internet account?
- Not all my employees are listed in the Employee Internet A/c List. Why?
- What do I do if my employee does not have an E-Mail address?
- How do I edit an employee's E-Mail address?
- Why can't my employee activate his / her employee Internet Account ?
- Why hasn't my employee received the activation mail that I have sent?
- Within how many days should an employee activate his / her Internet Account for this service?
- What do I do if I accidentally send an employee an activation e-mail?
- How do I disable an Employee's Internet Account?
- How do I re-activate an Employee's Internet account?
- How to create an employee user Internet Account?
- How to stop Employee user Internet Account?
Employee Access Rights
Current Year Leaver (Normal Leaver Process)
- How do I process a P45 for an employee who is leaving my company?
- How do I process a P45 for an employee who’s final payrun is not completed?
- Reporting P45 Leavers with No Outstanding payments (Current Tax Year). How?
- Reporting P45 Leavers with Outstanding payments (Current Tax Year). How?
- Amending current tax year payments for leaver Employees'. How?
Previous Year Leaver (Late Leaver Notification Process)
Pensioner Leaver Process
Errors in Leaver (former employee) Payment
Print Out the Leaver P45
Change of Former Employee Details
- Amending the Former Employees' Payment. How?
- Where can I view my former employees details?
- What is recover Former Employee?
- How do I Recover a former employee who returns to work for me with a P45?
- How do I Recover a former employee who returns to work for me and has filled in a Starter Checklist Details?
- What is Former employee rollback?
- How do I Rollback a former Employee?
Former Employee Facilities
Former Employee Recover
Former Employee RollBack
Migrating Employee / Client Data in to the System
- How to Import your Employee Data using a Spreadsheet ?
- How to upload your Employee Details in a CSV file into our package?
- View Uploaded / Imported Employee Data Status
- Can I import employee data from my current payroll package into your system?
- How to Import your Employee Data using a Spreadsheet?.
- How to upload your Employee Details in a CSV file into our package?
- View Uploaded / Imported Employee Data Status.
- Can I import employee data from my current payroll package into your system?
- Can I migrate employee's in Bulk in Able Bureau application?
- How can I migrate employee's of multiple bureau clients in single process?
- Migrate / Import client details (Bureau).