How can I add custom message to individual employee payslip?

Yes you can add custom message to individual employee payslip while processing the payrun. Please follow the Road Map below:-

Step:1 Click on the Tasking zone at the top on 'Payrun'. Further click on the submenu 'Process Pay'.

Step:2 Select the Pay Frequency.

Step:3 Select Payee and further click on the Yellow button 'Save Data & Process Pay'.

Step:4 Click on the 'Continue' button.

Step:5 Attach Payslip custom message. Here you can add custom message to individual employee. You can view the Draft Payslip to view your custom message, If you want to edit the message you can edit in 'Attach Payslip Message'.

Step:6 Click on the 'Approve Pay Data' and finally click on 'Update YTD' button.

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