Whenever you want to report P45 Leaver for an Employee whose final payrun has not been completed, follow the steps listed in the ROAD MAP below.
Road Map for Processing P45 for an employee whose final payrun is not complete
Step 1: Go to the Employee Menu in the tasking Zone and Select the Submenu "Leaver(P45) Administration"
Step 2: Click on the Process Leaver P45 link and Enter the Leaving Date
Step 3: Select the "Option 1 : Having Outstanding Payment for Leaver."
Step 4: Enter the YTD data, enter Basic Pay, Overtime, Other Payments, Deduction & Pension. Also enter if employee is having Redundancy & Other Payments and process the pay by clicking on the Process pay button.
Step 5: E-File the Final FPS having the P45 Leaver indication.
Employee -> Leaver ( P45 ) Administration -> Process Leaver P45 Link ( Leaver date falls with in the current tax year)-> Select Option1 -> Continue button -> Confirm Button -> E-File RTI Leaver FPS (P45) Data
('Employee' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the left )
Road Map for E-filing FPS to HMRC
Step 1: Go to the E-Filing RTI Menu in the tasking Zone and Select the Submenu "E-file RTI FPS, EPS, NVR, YTD FPS"
Step 2: Click on the FPS (Full Payment Submission) link
Step 3: Select the Pay Frequency, Pay Period and enter Payment Date then click on the continue button.
Step 4: Now click on the continue button in the Employer Declaration appeared screen and, enter your Name and the Password you used for sign in to the application.
Step 5: Further click on the "Live E-Filing" button
E-Filing RTI -> E-file RTI FPS, EPS, NVR, YTD FPS -> FPS (Full Payment Submission) link -> Continue button -> Employer Declaration -> Confirm button -> Live E-Filing button
( 'E-Filing RTI' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the third button from the left)
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