Amending current tax year payments for leaver Employees'. How?

Before making amendments make sure you follow the recommendations from HMRC for various leaver scenarios. For more information Click on the Link

To Amend the current tax year payments for leaver employees' please follow the steps below:-

Step1: Change Former Employee Tax Code Details:

Go to the Former Employee Facilities under the Employee section, click on the 'View/Edit' under Leaver Details and further click on the View/Edit button after 'Tax Code Details' enter the tax code 0T on a week 1/month 1 basis. Please follow the Road Map below:-

Road Map – To Change Former Employee Tax Code Details

Employee-> Former Employee Facilities -> Leaver Details -> View/Edit Link -> Tax Code Details -> View/Edit button -> Enter the tax code 0T on a week 1/month 1 basis -> Save button.

('Employee'is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the left)

Step2: Process Former Employee Payrun:

Further you can go to the Former Employee Payrun section, amend the pay and re-run the payrun. Click on the "Payrun" menu on the Tasking Zone and then click on the "Former Employee Payrun". Select Pay Frequency amend the pay data and finally process the payrun for former employee.
Please follow the Road Map below:-

Road Map – To Process Former Employee Payrun

PayRun-> Former Employee Payrun -> Weekly / Monthly / 2 Weekly / 4 Weekly / Quarterly / Annual / Bi-annual -> Make the appropriate changes to amend the pay -> Save Data & Process Pay button -> Continue button -> Approve Pay Data button -> Update YTD.
('PayRun'is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the fourth button from the left)

Step3: E-file RTI Leaver FPS (P45):

After amending the Former Employee Payrun, you can proceed to E-File the RTI Leaver FPS (P45) for the selected employee to report the changes to HMRC. Click on the "E-Filing RTI" on the Tasking zone on the top. Further click on the "E-file RTI Leaver FPS (P45)". Select the former employee who's efiling has to be processed.
Please follow the Road Map below:-

Please Note: You must not give the employee another P45 after amending the Former Employees' Payments

Road Map – To E-file RTI Leaver FPS (P45)

E-Filing RTI-> E-file RTI Leaver FPS (P45) -> Select Leaver Employee to E-File -> E-File Selected -> Employer's Declaration -> Confirm -> Live e-filing button.
('E-Filing RTI'is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the third button from the left)

On the Employer's Declaration screen which follows, ensure you enter the correct Payment Date and select the appropriate Late PAYE Reporting Reason to avoid RTI Penalty.e left.)

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Current Year Leaver (Normal Leaver Process)