Please check all the payment items you have included for the employee. In particular check to see if the employee is designated under the Holiday Scheme Option 2 i.e. pay and clear accrued holiday pay each period.
If the employee is assigned to an Option 2 Holiday Scheme the net to gross calculation will be adversely affected and we suggest you change the employee to a different Holiday scheme and then try the net to gross calculation again.
To view/edit/add to the available Holiday schemes go to Employer/Setup in the Tasking Zone, then select Chart of Setup, then click on the Holiday Scheme link under Holiday Setup.
Road Map - Holiday Scheme Setup
Employer/Setup -> Chart of Setup -> Holiday Setup -> Holiday Scheme Link -> Edit button -> Save button
( 'Employer/Setup' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the first button from the left)
Then, to assign a different holiday scheme to the employee, go to Employee in the Tasking Zone, then select View/Edit Employee Details, View/Edit, View /Edit Employment Details, then click on Edit and change the assigned Holiday Scheme and click on Save.
Road Map - Edit Employee Holiday Scheme
Employee -> View / Edit Employee Details -> Action -> View / Edit Link -> Employment Details -> View / Edit button -> Edit button -> Save button
( 'Employee' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the left)
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