When doing a Net to Gross Calculation the result isn't as expected. Why?

Please check all the payment items you have included for the employee. In particular check to see if the employee is designated under the Holiday Scheme Option 2 i.e. pay and clear accrued holiday pay each period.

If the employee is assigned to an Option 2 Holiday Scheme the net to gross calculation will be adversely affected and we suggest you change the employee to a different Holiday scheme and then try the net to gross calculation again.

To view/edit/add to the available Holiday schemes go to Employer/Setup in the Tasking Zone, then select Chart of Setup, then click on the Holiday Scheme link under Holiday Setup.

Road Map - Holiday Scheme Setup

Employer/Setup -> Chart of Setup -> Holiday Setup -> Holiday Scheme Link -> Edit button -> Save button

( 'Employer/Setup' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the first button from the left)

Then, to assign a different holiday scheme to the employee, go to Employee in the Tasking Zone, then select View/Edit Employee Details, View/Edit, View /Edit Employment Details, then click on Edit and change the assigned Holiday Scheme and click on Save.

Road Map - Edit Employee Holiday Scheme

Employee -> View / Edit Employee Details -> Action -> View / Edit Link -> Employment Details -> View / Edit button -> Edit button -> Save button

( 'Employee' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the left)

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Payment Issues