Efiling & ePayslip
E-Filing Credential Set Up
- 'Authentication Error' and How to Set Up your E-filing Credentials?
- I get an error when I e-file. How do I correct it?
- I would like to use AGENT credentials for my E-Filing as I have not applied for/cannot remember my own HMRC User ID and Password. How do I set this up?
- I am an employer / contractor. How do I enter my own HMRC ID and Password to E-file my documents and download HMRC notices?
- I am an Agent. How do I enter my HMRC Agent details for E-filing?
- I would like to use the AGENT credentials for my E-Filing as I have not applied for HMRC user ID and password. How do I set it up?
E-Filing P45, Starter Checklist
E-mail Payslip
SMS Payslip
E-Filing Status Report
Past E-Filing Details
Agent acting for Client
- I am agent acting for client to E-file the returns to HMRC. Where do I set up the credentials to e-File the returns to HMRC from Internet Payroll?
- How do I register as an Agent with HMRC to obtain HMRC Agent User ID and Password?
- I am an agent, can I e-file the PAYE, CIS returns on behalf of my clients to HMRC from your application?